The chat was created for chatting live with other fellow penguins, or for tracking Club Penguin mascots with them. Our chat is NOT for everyone, so please ask a parent or guardian for permission to enter the chat room.
The chat doesn't work?
Have you downloaded Adobe Flashplayer?
Is your connection slow?
Did you make sure to 'sign in' at the chat?
Try refreshing the page?
I have entered the chat room, but I don't understand how it works?
When you are banned-You cannot chat with anyone for the period of time the mods/owners/mains had set to ban you.
Being kicked- Is a warning, so if you break the rules too many times, it will turn into a ban. When being kicked, they 'kick' you out of the chat for a couple of seconds to warn you that you have done something against the rules. You will come back to the chat when you refresh the page.
Being gagged-Being gagged is like being banned, but you are not actually banished from the chat, you just cannot speak for a short amount of time.
To know what position you are in-There is a list on the right side of the chat to see who is in the chat at the time. There will be pawns (they will look like little heads with no faces) next to their names of different colors. If it is green, they are a guest. If it is (light) blue, they are a member. If it is white, they are a moderator. If it is gold, they are an owner or main owner.
What is a guest, member, moderator, and owner/main owner-A guest is new to the chat, and they can speak, add people as friends, ignore people, etc.
A member is when you are accepted to the chat. They can speak, add people as friends, ignore people, etc.
A moderator looks after the chat. They may kick, ban, make members, and make guests. Moderators rule over guests and members.
An owner also looks after the chat. They may as well kick, ban, make members, and make guests. Owners rule over moderators, members, and guests.
A main owner rules over anyone. They may ban from 1 minute to forever, may kick, make guests, make members, make moderators, and make owners. Main owners are trusted people by Kim and Turtle (owners of the chat and blog) so you are very respected as a main owner. Whatever a main owner does, goes. No questions asked.
What does "pc" or "pm" mean- Many people will be asking someone else to "pc" or "pm" them. They are abbreviations for private chat and private message someone. A private chat is when you are opened to another tab on the chat to speak with someone privately and no one else there can see you talking except you and the other person you acquired to speak with. Private message means to send a message to someone specific on the chat, but no one else can see that message you sent, except the person you sent it to.
How do I private chat, private message, add someone as a friend, or ignore someone- Click the person's name and there will be different options. Press whichever one is wanted to do.
What are xats/days/powers- Do not know what those are?
Xats are when you can buy powers.
Days show how long you are a subscriber.
Powers are special abilities you can do at chats in xat.
How do I become a mod/owner/main at TurtleKimCP chat-
~Main owner is very hard to get. You must be EXTREMELY trusted by Kim or Turtle, and that is the only way.
~Owner Costs 500 xats or 60 days--Sorry, but you cannot become an owner by hard work.
~Moderator Costs 350 xats or 45 days--You can also become a moderator by hard work. If you are respectful, and a well known member, you MAY eventually become a moderator.
Note: All payments MUST go to Kim or Turtle. And there is no way by becoming any of these by asking or demanding. If you have payments for it, please ask Kim or Turtle to private chat you when they are online the chat.
Any other questions needed, please go to the chat and ask a moderator/owner/main owner for help. If one does not respond they are busy, and contact a different one.