Make Your Own Igloo Music
Tired of the same old igloo music?
Well now Club Penguin has allowed you to make your OWN igloo music with DJ3K!
How? Go to your igloo and click the "EDIT IGLOO" icon. Next click the "PLAY MUSIC" icon.
You shall see a list of the igloo music you can play. Don't want any of those? Press the "Go To DJ3K!" button on the top right corner of the blue box. It will take you to the Night Club. Go over to DJ3K and begin. Select what genre of music you would like to record, and click PLAY. On the upper middle of your screen, there will be a recorder, with a big circle red button then press it. There you go, start recording! When you are finished rocking out, where the circular red button was there should be a square instead. Click that to stop recording your music. Another box should pop up. It will say, 'Here Is Your New Mix!" and hit play if you want to listen to what you've created. When you're finished, hit save, and name the music you've made. Then go back to your igloo and click the "EDIT IGLOO" icon again. Next click the "PLAY MUSIC" icon, and choose the name of your music. It should start playing in your igloo. Hope this helps, and have fun!
~Waddle on penguins~